Dollars per acre for Land property types

Dollars per acre for Land property types

If your dashboards contain Land as a property type, then there will be metrics called "Sold Price per Acre" ( or $/Acre).   To view this metric, you must choose Land, and only Land, from the Property filter.  On the Infographic and Market Review dashboards, $/Acre will replace the space occupied by the $/SqFt metric.  On Market Insights and Weekly Trends, the $/Acre chart will replace the $/SqFt chart, so you must first chose the $/SqFt metric in the dropdown list.  If you chose any other property type in addition to Land on any dashboard, then $/SqFt will continue to be shown, and obviously not be applicable to the Land listings.  Any other visible metrics on the dashboard at that point will be inclusive of Land and the other property type chosen (i.e. Closed Sales, Median Sale Price, etc.)

Infographic sample

Market Insights sample

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